
SimFire uses PyGame to display and simulate different fire spread models, including the Rothermel Surface fire spread model described in this paper.

GitHub Page

Running the Simulation#

Installing via Pip#

pip install simfire

Installing from Source#

Clone the repository:

git clone

NOTE: Make sure you’re using Python 3.9, due to PyGame (scheduled to be removed).

Then, install the requirements:

export POETRY_VERSION=1.4.0
curl -sSkL | python -
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin
poetry install --no-dev

And run the script:


Running as a Python Module#

from simfire.utils.config import Config
from simfire.sim.simulation import FireSimulation

config = Config("configs/operational_config.yml")
sim = FireSimulation(config)

# Run a 1 hour simulation"1h")

# Run the same simulation for 30 more minutes"30m")

# Render the next 2 hours of simulation
sim.rendering = True"2h")

# Now save a GIF and fire spread graph from the last 2 hours of simulation
# Saved to the location specified in the config: simulation.sf_home

# Update agents for display
# (x, y, agent_id)
agent_0 = (5, 78, 0)
agent_1 = (80, 105, 1)

agents = [agent_0, agent_1]

# Create the agents on the display

# Loop through to move agents
for i in range(60):
    # Do something here to choose the new agent locations
    agent_0 = (new_col, new_row, 0)
    agent_1 = (new_col, new_row, 1)
    # Update the agent positions on the simulation
    sim.update_agent_positions([agent_0, agent_1])
    # Run for 1 update step

# Turn off rendering so the display disappears and the simulation continues to run in the background
sim.rendering = False

Setting Up xpra for Remote Simulation Visualization#

If you’d like, you can modify your .bashrc (or .zshrc, depending on your terminal) file to easily forward the simulation display from your remote machine.

Before adding to the .bashrc, install the following packages on your remote terminal, which will open a persistent tmux session titled xpra to forward your remote ports:

sudo apt install xpra
sudo apt install tmux

Add the following to your .bashrc, making sure to substitute your own <DISPLAY> from the section above:

# Added for XPRA support
if ! tmux has-session -t xpra
    tmux new -s xpra -d
    tmux send -t xpra.0 'xpra start :<DISPLAY> --systemd-run=no --daemon=no' Enter

Finally, on your local terminal, install the xpra package and then run the following command:

xpra attach --ssh=ssh ssh://<CONTAINER>@rlord/<DISPLAY>